Safety Tips When Attending a Fireworks Show

Fireworks: It’s that time again! Time for fireworks, but it’s also time for to pay great attention to safety as well. Tens of thousands of people are treated in hospital emergency rooms for injuries associated with fireworks every year. Roughly 55 percent of the injuries were burns, and most of the injuries involved the hands, eyes and head. Another alarming statistic is that about half of the victims were under the age of 15! Some Safety Tips When Attending Public Fireworks Displays 1) Obey the police, fire and safety officials, and respect the safety barriers that have been put in place to allow the trained operator room to safely do his job. It’s crucial that you resist any temptation to get close to the actual firing site. The best view of the fireworks show is from about a quarter of a mile or more away. 2) Although it’s a rare happening, a firework component could fall to the ground unexploded. If you find one, don’t touch it – immediately contact the local fire or police d...