Is it Modular or Manufactured Housing?

There are many terms used today for the types of homes that are available – it’s hard to keep the names straight. Here is a quick course in the various types of homes available: Stick Built Homes Site built and stick built home typically refers to traditional single-family homes that are built at the same site that the finished home will stand. It’s built by a local contractor who builds the house according to area construction codes. Manufactured Homes Never mind the term “mobile home” – they’re now called “manufactured” homes. Those old rectangular shoebox structures you used to see (and still do) have, in some cases, been replaced by 2,500-square-foot homes with sun rooms & decks. The Manufactured Housing Institute defines a manufactured home as “a single-family house constructed entirely in a controlled factory environment, built to the federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, better known as the HUD Code.” Most Americans still refer t...