
Showing posts from December, 2022

Some Christmas Traditions Around The World

Christmas is a wonderful time of year! People all over the world celebrate the holiday in different ways. Here are some interesting traditions from all over the world. Christmas Traditions in Brazil During the Christmas season, many towns in northern Brazil have a tradition of displaying the nativity scene. They call this a “presepio”after the Hebrew presepium. Presepium translates to “bed of straw,” which refers to the manger in which the Christ child was laid. As Brazil is a mostly a Catholic country, many people attend a midnight mass, called Missa do Galo (mass of the rooster) on Christmas Eve. The mass typically lasts until 1 a.m. On Christmas Eve Papai Noel (Father Christmas) brings gifts to children. In their tradition he resides in Greenland and dresses in light silk garments because of the hot weather in Brazil. Christmas dinner consists of turkey, ham, rice, vegetables and fruit. Argentina Christmas Traditions In Argentina Christians decorate evergreen trees with cotton to si...