
Showing posts from February, 2023

Hiring a Good Moving Company

So you got the new home, and now you’re moving! After all the excitement wears down, the reality hits: you’re actually moving. This means packing up everything you own and often entrusting all of your worldly possessions to a moving company. So how do you choose a good, trustworthy moving company? Get online and do a quick Google search and pick the first name that shows up? You might as well put on a blindfold and throw a dart. You should always proceed with caution, because you just don’t know who’s out there & it can be daunting – you’ll see dozens of potential options that may or may not be worth your while. Before you get overwhelmed and decide it’s just easier to do it yourself, take the time to do some additional research. The American Moving & Storage Association According to the American Moving and Storage Association, the end of the month and summertime are the busiest times for moving companies. You should try to book at least six weeks in advance. October thru April...