3 Tips to Prolong the Life of Your Plants

After this cold and rainy 1st half of the year, it feels like sunshine will never come. Don’t fear, it’s on the way! It might be easy for most of us to combat the heat by staying inside, enjoying our air conditioning, or taking a dip in the backyard pool— but staying cool and healthy for plants is much more difficult. Most people take pride in a manicured lawn & garden, so naturally are brokenhearted to see them wilt, discolor, and even die during the days of summer. Follow these 3 tips to ensure your plant’s life this spring/summer 1. Choose Your Plants Wisely While they all may all look beautiful, you should be picky when it comes to choosing which plants and flowers to plant. They are not created equal, meaning that not all greenery can survive in all climates. Talk to a to a professional at your local garden center store to decide together which plants will be best for your area. 2. Make a Feeding Schedule A common mistake that many people make, is to water their pla...