Important Disclosures in Real Estate

What Needs To Be Disclosed? Once you have decided to sell your home , the seller’s disclosures are extremely important. Over the years, different real estate brokers have told their clients many opposing views about what is required to disclose. For example, some say that it’s not necessary to disclose that there was a death on the property. Others say you should disclose every single thing that’s ever happened in the house. Actually, the law governs what should and should not be disclosed, not your real estate broker . While disclosures vary from state to state, there are federal laws that need to be followed, the most notable is regarding lead-based paint. The best procedure, especially if you’ve had a suggestion that seems too extreme one way or another, is to consult a real estate attorney who knows your state’s disclosure laws. Many Disclosure Laws Are Region-specific: Tornado disclosures in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Iowa, Nebraska California and Nevada have...