Getting To Know Your New Neighborhood
One thing you may not have thought about once you’ve moved in to your new home is getting to know your new neighborhood. This is really important – especially if you have kids. Here are some tips on how to get to know your new neighborhood and making the transition easier and happier for everyone.
Before Moving to a New City or State
1. Before you get there, it’s a good idea to contact the local chamber of commerce and request a packet of area information. Most of the time, they are happy to oblige, getting the word out about their town or city. You can learn a lot from this material, including local history, the businesses in town, events, etc.
2. Purchase a detailed map of the area. Spend time with your kids and look it over with them.
Call your children’s schools to request a tour of the facility prior to the kids have to start. Locate their classrooms, the cafeteria, library, gym and bathrooms.
Once You Move In
1. Drive around the area and look for the parks, post office, closest grocery stores, good restaurants, the closest shopping mall, bank, hospital, etc.
2. Walk through the neighborhood as a family. Have the kids make a map of the neighborhood, marking down street names, bike paths, parks, tennis courts, etc.
3. Don’t wait for the neighbors to introduce themselves to you. You may want to try baking up a batch of cookies and go door to door, introducing yourself and passing out the goodies.
4. Subscribe to the local newspaper. These little papers usually list neighborhood events, give discount coupons to local businesses and other tidbits you’ll find very useful.
5. Go to the local recreation center. Sign the kids up for classes in everything from drama to art to rock climbing and more. They’ll make fast friends and have fun learning a new skill or polishing an existing one.
6. Participate in your new community. Join your homeowners association and attend the meetings. Join the PTA. Volunteer at the local food bank. Your new neighborhood will feel like home in no time.