Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
It may not be green outside yet, but you can certainly start living green in your home. It’s definitely the thing now – living green. Wondering how you can reduce your carbon footprint? Behold, there are many companies out there devoted to helping people reduce their carbon footprint. Hybrid cars, recycling, eco-friendly business practices and more. An energy efficient home will also add to your market value also!
Easy Ways to Start Going Green at Home
- Fix all your plumbing leaks – sinks, tubs, showers and toilets should be checked for drips and leaks.
- Replace old fixtures with water-saving faucets and toilets – you can even purchase conservational water pipes to replace your old plumbing.
- Install a programmable thermostat.
- Turn down the heat at night (and during the day if no one is home).
- Use long-life fluorescent light bulbs. They’re a bit more expensive, but they last longer than traditional bulbs.
- Consider getting new or additional insulation. Seal up with windows and doors with weather stripping and caulking. By preventing heat/ air from escaping, you reduce your energy consumption.
- During the cold winter months, you should change your furnace filter every month. If the filter collects dust, it makes your furnace work harder, use more energy and shorten it’s life expectancy.
- Use non-toxic cleaning alternatives, such as baking soda, vinegar, etc.
- Read labels on all the items you buy, and avoid the use of polyvinyl chloride (also known as PVC or vinyl).
- Cut down on paper products and plastics. Paper towels and napkins can be replaced with cloth rags and napkins. Reuse plastic bottles.
- Keep your car parked as often as possible. Ride your bike, walk or take public transportation. Carpool when you can.
Think Global But Act Local
- Shop locally – transporting food across country uses up a lot of fuel. An added bonus is that it’s good for the local economy.
- Stop using plastic bags! Did you know that they never decompose? They are made from petroleum products and can be a danger to the environment. When you go to the local store, ask for paper.
- Make sure your furniture is constructed out of natural materials like wood, metal and glass.
- Give your unwanted wardrobe, old books and household items to your local Goodwill.
- Cut down on battery usage. Hazardous waste is created by old batteries, and is a danger to the environment. Try rechargeable or solar-charged batteries.
- Avoid the use of aerosols, use lubricants containing solvents, and use castor or mineral oils.
- Use water-based latex house paints instead of oil or solvent-based paints.
- Never dispose of paint, solvents, motor oil in your garbage.
- Never throw away your computer. Most areas have specialty companies that recycle computers.